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DriverWorks Ink $19.95

Next Stop Chicago

The 5th Tunnels of Moose Jaw Adventures

by Mary Harelkin Bishop

When family and friends gather to pay tribute to Grandpa Vance, Andrea and Tony discover that their grandfather’s adventures extended well beyond the city of Moose Jaw. Just when they think their time-travelling days are over, they are given an opportunity to see their grandfather, young and vibrant, in the past. They risk one more trip back in time and find themselves in Chicago at the mercy of Ol’ Scarface. Will they be able to free their grandfather from his past without jeopardizing their future?

Published in 2007. Now distributed by DriverWorks Ink with a new ISBN 978-1-927570-73-9.

DriverWorks Ink $19.95

Andrea doesn't want to go back to Moose Jaw – especially into the terrifying tunnels beneath its streets! But after agreeing to accompany her little brother, Tony, to visit their grandparents in Moose Jaw, she finds herself back in those dark tunnels with him. Soon, Andrea and Tony have both fallen back in time to the dangerous days of the 1920s and are caught in a scary scenario with a gang of criminals. Can they find their courage to expose the crooks for their dastardly deeds? And even if they can, will Tony and Andrea be stuck in the past forever?

This updated second book in the bestselling children’s adventure series features language that has been modernized since the book’s initial release in 2002. Readers and educators will also enjoy the addition of 10 black and white illustrations, Historical Notes, Useful Resources, Q and A with the Author, Discussion Questions, and You be the Writer sections.

DriverWorks Ink $19.95
Tunnels of Time - Moose Jaw Time Travel Adventure #1
By Mary Harelkin Bishop
​Illustrated by Wendi Nordell

After falling into a mysterious tunnel, 13-year-old Andrea finds herself in 1920s Moose Jaw in the dangerous world of underground gangsters and greed. Can she outsmart the gangsters? And will she ever see her family again?
Juvenile Fiction
DriverWorks Ink $19.95

When their friends, Kami and Eddie Mark, accidentally fall into the time-travelling tunnels below Moose Jaw, fourteen-year-old Andrea and her ten-year-old brother Tony have no choice but to go back in time to rescue them. In that dank, dark underground, they learn of harsh working conditions being forced on Chinese immigrants, and Kami and Eddie are now among them! Can Andrea and Tony find enough money to pay the Chinese Head Tax the Canadian government has imposed on their friends? What risks must be taken to save Kami and Eddie and get safely back to the present?

This updated third book in the bestselling Canadian children’s adventure series features modernized language, 12 black and white illustrations, Historical Notes, Useful Resources, Discussion Questions, and a Get Creative section.

DriverWorks Ink $19.95

Andrea and Tony go back in time again to 1920s Moose Jaw, this time on an urgent mission for their grandfather. After scary encounters with people wearing eerie hoods, the siblings vow to stop these strangers from carrying out their hateful plans. This updated, republished title looks at prejudice and racism in Saskatchewan’s past, and features 12 black-and-white illustrations, historical notes, and discussion questions.

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